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Recap of Best Practices in Desktop Support
Best Practices in Desktop Support was delivered March 11, 2014 to a live audience! Jeff Rumburg, Managing Partner at MetricNet, shared key success factors from the industry’s top performing Desktop Support organizations!
Did you miss it? Here are some highlights:
Intro | Then and Now – The Evolution of Desktop Support
-In 1988, the North American Average Cost per Ticket was $29. Last year, it was $62.
-In 1988, the North American Average Incidents Resolved on First Contact was 74%. Last year, it was 68%.
Quotable | The more technology you put at the disposal of a knowledge worker, the more likely will be the need for Technical Support.
Best Practice | World-Class Desktop Support organizations recognize and exploit three unique sources of leverage: Minimizing TCO, Improving End-User Productivity and Driving a Positive View of Corporate IT.
Poll | Approximately 33% of those who attended this webcast consider their Desktop Support organization World-Class. Do you?
Best Practice | World-Class Support organizations follow a common pattern when it comes to performance measurement and management.
Resource | Download our whitepaper: “The Economic Impact of Support What’s Your Value Proposition?” to learn how to transform IT service and support from a tactical cost center, into a strategic source of value creation for the enterprise.
Audience Comment | My organization has benefited tremendously through these webinars. Thanks for making these value sessions available.
Quotable | Bad news spreads far and wide, but good news doesn’t go anywhere.
Poll | Only 15% of those who attended this webcast have benchmarked their Desktop Support Function within the past year. Have you?
Stat | The average Mean Time To Resolve (MTTR) Incidents for US In-house Desktop Support is 8 hours. Tweet this stat.
Best Practice | World-Class Support organizations are very proactive about getting the message out internally to the organization.
Case Study | A MetricNet Peer Group Benchmark identified that our case study organization was overstaffed. By downsizing through turnover attrition, they were able to increase Technician Utilization from 46% to 60% which also drove costs down to well below the peer group average.
Q & A | Q: To increase value to the business, do you see desktop teams doing more Business Enablement activities like running productivity teams that educate or focus on returning end user feedback back to IT to drive improvements? A: While we haven’t seen a lot of that, it’s certainly something that can be beneficial to the rest of IT. After all, both Desktop Support and the Service Desk have more contact with end-users than just about any other part of Information Technology. For those organizations that do have a closed feedback loop (meaning that they take insight and suggestions from end users and they feed those back up the IT value chain to the rest of IT) it’s a smart thing to do, but not that many organizations are doing it right now.
Q & A | Q: Could you give examples of the details with the avg incident work time. Does this reflect such things as replacement of internal parts of laptops? Malware cleaning? Computer re-imaging? A: Computer re-imaging and replacement of internal parts would typically be a service request as opposed to an incident. Malware cleaning would probably be an incident. In terms of average work time, the data that was presented on slide 57 is a good place to start if you’re just looking for averages. The min to max range varies pretty dramatically so, to ensure a fair comparison, it’s recommended that you benchmark your organization to a comparable peer group.
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